Good karma will follow David as well as healing thoughts from all your readers and his.

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Thanks for getting the word out, Gary.

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Very sorry to hear about David's situation. Be aware that the Go Fund Me link included in the article sent me to a non-functioning message. Might want to re-do that link. Here's to David's recovery.

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What a story; what a towering figure in journalism he was/is.

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Thank you Gary I had no idea. What sad news. I’m going to manifest his recovery.

Luckily I found this wonderful story of yours after reading a review of Camille’s new book about Fanny Stevenson in The Atlantic. I love the picture you paint, the details. I can see all of it.

I knew David from his (1980s) DC days where he had a…yes… “salon” for people working on renewable energy. “Marky” Hertzgard - as David called him - was part of it. At one point David instigated an energy evening in a church, featuring Barry Commoner, and got us all working on it. We got a decent crowd but our only TV coverage was a smirking Russian TV crew (what were they thinking?) That led to all of us being read into to the Congressional Record as communists (by some Congressman from Georgia, of course)!! Classic. I have more stories :-)

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Thank you so much for this! Last time I checked the fundraising goal was surpassed, reaffirming my faith in the way people would show up for David and his family. I knew Scott Rosenberg a little then, curious to know where he is now.

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A brilliant tribute, Gary, so rich, unvarnished and real!

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Beautiful Gary. And all true!

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